Molly Meets Sophie Kenningham

woman in front of lake

We're not shy about our love for Pineapples, and it looks like we're not the only ones. We've made a new friend whose just a fruity about this trend as we are. Sophie is a fashion stylist but has turned her love for interiors into her business. We love her Brass Pineapples lots. Thanks for chatting Sophie.

Describe your job in 3 words?

Digging for treasure

What’s the best thing about what you do?

Discovering the next big thing before it is a trend

What’s your next big interior challenge?

Having a chevron parquet laid in our large very open plan living space. I'm dreading the logistics even though it will be beautiful.

Are you all about long lie ins or up with the lark?

Unfortunately I'm up with the lark! (I have 2 young boys) otherwise I would be all about languishing in bed.

Instagram or Twitter?

Instagram every time

What's on your bed today?

My iPad, my 6 year old son, 5 month old baby boy, last night's dress and somewhere underneath all of them... my husband.

Do you wear a nightdress, pj's, or nothing?

Always a night dress

Who would you invite to your dream midnight feast? dead / alive/ animal?

I have to be pragmatic I'd have the butler from Downton Abbey on standby to fulfil my every whim

How do you like your eggs?

I have a strange relationship with eggs, I once saw 'chicken omelette' on a cafe menu in a cafe on Old Compton St. I have never recovered from the idea of this so for me they have to be scrambled.

gold pineapple ornaments in house

Cleansheet Friday or clean sheet Sunday? (Harriet and I disagree)


Flat sheet or fitted sheet?

I know it's cheating but I always buy fitted

Do you have a bedtime ritual, can you share it with us?

I have various rituals but it is all a bit random as I generally fall asleep before I get to any of them.

You're off for a weekend camping.. What one luxury would you take from your bedroom?

I love the This Works pillow spray. I would definitely sneak that in my bag. I once took a lavender linen spray and an egyptian cotton sheet and pillow case on a short camping trip a few years back. I have never lived it down.

Tell us a secret?

You can find amazing vintage furniture and accessories in southern Europe

Who should Molly meet next?

This is a hard one as actually I am very curious about a lot of people's bedrooms. hmmm perhaps Eddie Redmayne?

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